Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Haunting In Connecticut

Hari Selasa lalu, kita ber4 + ugie nonton The Haunting In Connecticut
The movie was great!

Sebelumnya Nindy, Syifa, Farah, Ugie, ngerahasiain dari Vira kalau kita mau nonton film itu (karena dia takut banget sama film ginian hahaha)
Tapi akhirnya Vira 'tertipu' dan ikut nonton film itu (dengan sangat terpaksa)

What was the story about ?
It was about a family, who lived in this house :

that's a lovely house, isn't it ?
But who knows ..that beautiful housed used to be a funeral house ..
it was a very scary story , we couldn't tell
we were so breathless when we saw this movie :o

and .....
Vira couldn't sleep in that night :p

so sorry :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

perkenalan diri :D

helloooooo :o
kami berempat adalah empat orang siswi SMP yang sebentar lagi akan lulus menjadi murid SMA (amin)

siapa saja kita berempat ?

first :


born : Bogor, 6th April 1995 . 9F , 15 . berbehel, rambut panjang, jago rubiks (pamer dikit boleh dong) , tinggi-langsing (any model agent?), suka hijau dan kodok .
generous person :)and wanna be a designer


born : Padang, 14th July 1995 . 9F , 29berkulit putih, berambut sebahu. addicted to Mickey Mouse, cita-cita dokter anak. baik, lucu (mmm), keibuan , rapih banget orangnya , dan ..dan ...... mau jadi dokter


born :Bogor, 15th March 1995 . 9H , 38 . hate sausages, muscles, love beatbox (mau belajar ga bisa-bisa *ato ga jadi-jadi*) . phobia banget sama yang namanya HIMAWAN .hiiih . bermuka arab, mata bulet, terus vocab dia suka aneh-aneh -__-. i wanna be a pilot :)


born : Bogor, 24th July 1994. 9G , 38 love cookies and fashion. love OWL CITY and ADAM YOUNG so much. dab nanti mau jadi psikiater :)

even though we're not in the same class we still a BEST FRIEND :)

sooo this is US :)
that's all for now we :) . we dont know what else to say.
we guess we'll post anything else later :) . we hope you guys enjoy our blog :)

best regards :
syifarah handayaniambadar :)